So I’m gearing up to once again start something and I’ve got an idea in my head. But once I put it down into something concise it either becomes bloaty or dry. I mean just the parts below are almost a google docs page, pretty much 2000 characters. And that is even when I removed 2/3 of the situation text as it was rather big picture information. Explicitly writing down the campaign style was something I took Colville’s recent game design video, trying it out.

What I really would love feedback on is mainly Situation. Enough/too little information? Is it confusing? Does the information fit with the Campaign Style? And also is Campaign Style something fitting in a campaign ad/synopsis?


You all are part of the third imperially sponsored caravan into the Aablu, the hot and arid lands east of the Pearl Cities. The first caravan went out eight months ago and was expected to have returned two months ago. Second left four months ago with another destination. Yours have the same destination as the first with the additional task of bringing back news of the first.

Information about Aablu is scarce and unreliable, mostly because traders and inhabitants in the Pearl Cities don’t venture into it and its local people consider themselves under no obligation to divulge information. There are of course tidbits of information: old travellers’ journals, hearsay and sales-talk. You are not headed blind into the Aablu, only mostly.

The caravan itself is the size of a small village, with competent people of various professions who are there for their own reasons. Some want to strike it rich, some are running from something, some are there for the glory and some just want a bit of adventure. Your characters are also competent individuals, filling a role in the caravan and have ambition to make something extra of themselves.

Campaign style

Adventurous daring sword and sorcery.

Adventurous - The very nature of the caravan is an adventure and on it are those with an adventurous spirit. When it calls, your characters are those who step up, those who have a bit extra drive to see what is on the other side of the hill.

Daring - Rewarded are those who boldly go where no one has gone before. Daring plans are to be rewarded and there is always a chance to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.

Sword and Sorcery (from Wikipedia) - A subgenre of fantasy characterized by sword-wielding heroes engaged in exciting and violent adventures. Elements of romance, magic, and the supernatural are also often present. Unlike works of high fantasy, the tales, though dramatic, focus on personal battles rather than world-endangering matters.

  • tissekOPM
    1 year ago


    Caravans are trading expeditions

    While mostly true these fit into the larger imperial designs of the empire and have as much a diplomatic goal as that of commerce. They don’t have to individually be profitable if they can manage to steer trade directly into the imperial heartland instead of it going through the pearl cities. A bit like trying to redirect the silk road. There will be a Big Picture along the ad that will give more insight into these imperial designs. I’ve made a note to work something into the ad about about the caravans’ purposes, probably remove the dates to free up words.

    issue[s] with a large expedition

    The size of it I’ve not chosen as any basis in reality but rather for there to be a consistent background cast of NPCs. And then afterwords making reasons why it is as it is. Having it be of the most optimal and efficient design requires it to be organized that way, but with an imperial bureaucracy half based on favours it is far from that. Also as mentioned above it does not need to efficient as it is part of long term imperial designs.

    While they could get swallowed and disappear in the size of it I have the dramatic tool of spotlighting. If the NPCs overshadow the PCs I would be better off writing a book. Should a player be playing a scout type and there is a need for scouting related stuff the spotlight will feature the PC regardless if they are the best or chief scout. If no player plays a scout type then scout stuff either happens off screen or the motley crew has to deal with things outside of their comfort zones. Which tends to be nice change of pace, a bit like comedy episodes.