Another player who was at the table during the incident sent me this meme after the problem player in question (they had a history) left the group chat.

Felt like sharing it here because I’m sure more people should keep this kind of thing in mind.

      7 months ago

      You said a flaw is still a disability even when everyone has it.

      Where did I wrote that?! I wrote that the hypothetical situation where everyone has a broken leg and therefore then it would be considered normal, doesn’t invalidate that a broken leg is a handicap in our (non-hypothetical) real life.

      Also, being double jointed is not considered a disability.

      And further, the word is clearly defined (this is translated from my language to English):

      Physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which prevent a person from participating equally in society for longer than six months.

      And what we categorise as a disability is grounded on the definition above. Since autism is categorized as a disability, it wouldn’t make sense to diagnose someone with autism if the above is not true.

      I don’t see how this can not make sense. It seems so obvious that you do not have a disability when nothing is disabling you. When someone says “I have disability X but it’s not disabling” then congratulations, you are cured.

          7 months ago

          I think you have trouble understanding the difference between definitions for words or the context of general terms and your own personal experience.

              7 months ago

              You didn’t answer my question (“Where did I wrote that”) and your answer doesn’t make it clear to me if you even understood my point. So I am not sure why you think it’s me who isn’t having a conversation.

                  7 months ago

                  Do you mean the question where you tried to paint me as dumber than you because I do not agree with your reasoning?

                  Yeah, I won’t answer to your narcissistic ramblings because your premise is wrong. I have no trouble understanding your reasoning, I just think it’s wrong.

                  What is and isn’t categorized as a disability isn’t subjectively decided randomly. It’s a decision based on our current real life situation. Not your head cannon.

                  Autism is considered a disability because of the definition of what makes a disability I provided above. While you personally can say that you feel not disabled, a claim that “autism is not a disability because when people were different it wouldn’t matter” isn’t rational reasoning.