• Yiazmat@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    Watching the media do a whiplash-inducing 180 during the lead-up to the war was one of those moments where you’re like “wow they’re really just manufacturing this shit right in front of our eyes, huh?” You can see pre-2022 there was a ton of news coverage about how Ukraine was one of the most corrupt countries and was infested with nazis and then suddenly we’re spammed with articles about how wholesome Ukraine is being bullied by Russia for no particular reason (and NATO must save them, naturally). Any criticism of Ukraine or the west’s involvement is immediately shut down with “that’s Russian propaganda!”

    Side note: I watched my neighbors put up Ukrainian flags on their houses all around the same time earlier this year, and as of about a month ago all the flags are gone lol. I guess the war isn’t entertaining for Americans anymore.