The last major holdouts in the protest against Reddit’s API pricing relented, abandoning the so-called “John Oliver rules” which only allowed posts featuring the TV host. The article describes it as “the official end of the battle,” which seems an overstatement to me, but it’s the certainly the end of the initial phase.

Did Reddit win? Time will tell!

  • bradorsomething
    11 months ago

    The users aren’t the value in reddit, it’s the content creators and savvy community members that respond to questions and leave useful content in their own right. Reddit lost a number of those, and those users are forming the nucleus of their demise.

      11 months ago

      I would argue it doesn’t matter if they go extinct. What is important is the non-market decentralized alternative. It is the only refuge and defense against enclosure and what can be called platform-feudalism.

      For markets and free expression to exist we need a fediverse, a world where the average person and small proprietors can prosper instead of being exploited.

      A large enough non-market alternative keeps the excesses of concentrated power in check.