WotC to update artist guidelines moving forward.

  • KoboldOfArtifice
    1 year ago

    I don’t believe that the joy one feels during the creation of a piece of art necessarily is relevant to the qualities of the artwork. From the perspective of the end user, the artwork may look exactly the same, be it made by a person or AI (even if it had to be more advanced than what we have right now).

    It is true that it would be a pity if the joy of self expression vanished as artists lost their ability to create art, but AI won’t cause this. It will simply remove the ability to be paid for it and making something into your job tends to suck the joy from it more than it adds it.

    The only shot there really is for artists is a future in which they don’t need to work for a living and if that isn’t a possibility then their chances are already gone in the long term. I’m not saying I’d enjoy any of that. But there is no reasonable future in which this technology isn’t expanded and the industry refuses to use the incredibly improved methods of creating art.

    Beyond that, you would be taking away the right of new groups of people to express themselves. People already are gaining access to a fork of expression they never had before through AI. Why do they not get the right to use AI in things they create? Even if it’s as the basis for their own work or even if it’s already the finished product.