This is not me saying at all that Trump is better than Biden; it’s more of an equalization argument that I truthfully can’t see a fiscal difference.

It’s been well known by people like us that the two bourgeois parties are basically the same, but I never really understood how close they were until the last like, 6 months.

Maybe it’s JUST Biden that’s super similar. But regardless, I just don’t see the difference. He spews nice words about trans rights, workers, all of these good things. But the exact same shit that happened under Trump basically happened under Biden. Funding for genocidal states, proxy war funding, funding police, loss of abortion federal protection, separation of kids and parents at the border, etc.

People keep saying Biden is marginally better, where?

I don’t know. I can’t bring myself to vote for any of these guys this time around.

  • This is the problem with listening to their rhetoric rather thsn looking st their acrions. Their rhetoric is a smokescreen; their actions reveal their true values.

    “Vote blue no matter who” is a rationalization. You are correct that if they wanted to win no matter what, they’d pick a better candidate than one who is explicitly pro-genocide, has dementia, and has fucked the working class over for his entire career. They’d go with a Bernie style populist and run on his wildly popular platform.

    Western white liberals are at their core extremely racist. They fear and hate bipoc people, Middle Easterners, and especially Muslims. So Biden’s genocide in Palestine is actually a positive for them – but many* have enough self awareness to know they can’t openly cheer for it without revealing how depraved they are. They don’t just want to beat Trump, they want to do so while maintaining the fascist, imperialist, capitalist project. Biden is their guy

    • Thomas L Friedman who recently got an op-ed published in the New York Times likening Middle Easterners to wasps and calling for the entire region to be set on fire, is a notable exception
    • Red Wizard 🪄
      8 months ago

      I had someone say to me recently “I have nothing against Muslim people, but I don’t like their religion. The religion says you should be put to death if you leave it.”

      Not knowing a lot about the Islomic faith I left it alone. I imagine the list of religions void of violent punishment for going against its faith is short.

      But logically, there must be different sects or denominations of the islomic faith that worship differently, interpret their texts differently, and are ultimately not “violent” in their expression. Aka Islam can’t simply be a monolith.

      So to hold that point of view, that islam is a violent monolith, you must at least agree then that all practicing Muslims have violence at the core of their faith and by extension are more violent…

      Which is void of any materialism.

      • My mom is Muslim and warned me not to be public about my apostasy in case some extremists went after me. But in all the years I’ve been an apostate, I’ve told plenty of Muslims and their attitude has always been very chill and accepting – “that’s between you and Allah”, “hope you find your way back but even if you don’t you’re clearly a good and principled person and inshallah that has to count for something. Allah is merciful after all!”, " it’s not my place to judge". No Muslim has ever given me shit for leaving the faith. In fact when I’ve told them about why (I simply can’t worship someone who refused to protect my family from AmeriKKKa’s systemic racism and hatred of Muslims) they’ve been sympathetic.

        Whoever said that to you is full of shit, propagates racist Islamophobic lies, and should go die.