people are saying such shitty things about me. ill probably delete this, but can some of my comrades just give me a pep talk if your up to in. I know logically I love this place and this is a bad day, but I cant stop crying, i do so much work going out, doing mutual aid, supporting union drives, working with the dsa and psl ect and it doesn’t fucking matter because as soon as I vent about the class of people who are giving me a hard time IM somehow stopping racial solidarity from happening. it hurts so bad and makes everything feel so pointless. i feel so disposable. im not gonna debate anyone i just want to chat with nice comrades who care. im actually crying hard over internet shit maybe its my sign to leave.

edit: THANK YOU for the out pouring of love comrade, here, in my dms, and on cytube. I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH. I will be staying. I will be taking a break after this sundays fanon post (its the last one and BEST chapter hope i can see you there) but I shall return even more powerful than before. you guys are amazing thank you again to everyone committed to making this a safe space for BIPOC people to express themselves.

  • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
    1 year ago

    The fundamental problem is that Hexbear (and the rest of the Anglo social media sites) is it’s filled with mayos who have never dealt with people who have skin color darker than a sheet of paper. This is how you get people here making asinine jokes that replacing c/k with kkk is somehow “standard Maoist English.” Like, just how fucking out of touch are you? At this point, Hexbear (and every other Lemmy instance where a European language is used) will never not be awkward about race. I don’t blame you or any other POC for quitting Hexbear because the amount of mayos is off-putting. I’m not sure how POC accounts can feel welcome here if those racist crackers at that other thread haven’t been banned yet. Those bigoted losers would be long gone if they were saying transphobic shit, but they still get to keep their accounts for being racist shitheads. Why the double standard?

    The only way for a POC-friendly social media site to take off is if doxxing your face is build in to the social media site itself, whether through technological or social means. Black Twitter works because there’s the social understanding that if your avi isn’t your Black face, you’re not really Black. Black Reddit works because mods require people to show their arm with their username written on it. Outside of those little pockets where you have to doxx yourself or learning a non-European language in order to use that language’s social media sites, there’s really no hope for any POC to feel safe or welcome.

  • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I haven’t seen anybody going at you so I’m sure I must have missed it. Every one of your posts and comments I’ve read I’ve found to be informative. Your perspective is cool and good and welcome, fuck the haters.

  • Smeagolicious [they/them]
    1 year ago

    It is a reality of this site being hugely white by proportion as mentions, and being confronted about the reality of POC’s life experiences doesn’t always go over well, even here. I understand how it wears one down and can’t blame you at all for feeling this way, but you’ve been a great voice here I think. I hope Hexbear can work on purging this shit because this is the same hostility and dismissal that’s too common outside of spaces that claim to be safe and understanding. And to find the same here…?

    Your posts are always insightful imo. It feels like there aren’t a lot of voices speaking about black experiences and struggles here and I’m glad you’re doing so. It’s not easy to dismiss when you receive it but please don’t let those shitters get you down.

  • Redbolshevik2 [he/him]
    1 year ago

    To preface this: I am white.

    To any white people who are even slightly upset about anti-white sentiment, ironic or unironic: you need to get the FUCK over yourself. Read The Wretched of the Earth, Open Veins of Latin America, How Europe Underdeveloped Africa, Divided World Divided Class, White Malice, Late Victorian Holocausts, Unequal Exchange, Neo-Colonialism, The Wages of Whiteness, and a thousand other books until it fucking sinks in.

    Every “white” country on Earth (barring maybe a few of the most backward European states) is parasitic. All siphon wealth from the non-white world into the white world, both externally and internally. They then distribute this money, to a very large extent, on the basis of race.

    This means that race is a factor in class. That’s why the most useless and anti-revolutionary tendencies of Communism all come out of Europe. You can see this fracture play out in every “white” nation. Even the “radical” white population breaks solidarity with the colonial population. White labor unions rejecting PoC, white Communist parties failing to grasp the race question and behaving chauvinistically, white “radicals” turning against anti-colonial fighters.

    In light of this history, this class dynamic, and the ongoing racial depravity, to chide PoCs for “undermining solidarity” is the height of arrogance and chauvinism. Get the fuck over yourself. Unless you want to hand over the 90% of your material comfort that you owe to the accident of your place of birth and skin color, shut the fuck up.

    • Redbolshevik2 [he/him]
      1 year ago

      And that’s barely even touching on anything superstructural. Given this apparent material base of white parasitism, it’s obvious to see why we live in the world of white supremacy that we do. White people have identified, on a conscious or unconscious level, that they effectively constitute a class. The disdain, domination, disgust, discrimination, and disregard that nobles manifest toward their serfs can be seen in the way white people treat PoCs.

    • Sandinband [any, comrade/them]
      1 year ago

      I’m genuinely convinced this site will never allow that.

      Half my reports for racism are ignored and the white people on this site are not interested in listening to poc, they are the exact same as the radlibs who get their politics from posts and refuse to read any theory or educate themselves on racism while laughing at the libs who do the same for communism

        • Sandinband [any, comrade/them]
          1 year ago

          I want it to be different but half the time it isn’t worth pushing back against the casual or overt racism here because its 90% white and whites just don’t fucking care about actually dismantling white supremacy

          The radical poc leave this site because it is a lot to deal with especially seeing the double standard there is for transphobia vs racism

          • HighOnCopium [she/her]
            1 year ago

            This x100. I came here because I thought it would be a safe space for POC to talk about their experiences without the gaslighting and invalidation from whites, but just being here for a few months I could already tell that this site is predominantly white and is no better than Reddit for POC

            • Sandinband [any, comrade/them]
              1 year ago

              My partner is Black and I’ve told them to not bother joining the site even though I know they’d provide a unique perspective. Its one thing to argue with out right racists who are open about their bigotry but another to see people making fun of white libs and conservatives for their racism and then do their own white leftist dogwhistles like I dont fucking know what they’re doing

              I was raised by white adopters so I can tolerate white bs better than most poc but still I regularly need to leave the site for a couple of months because its exhausting

                • Sandinband [any, comrade/them]
                  1 year ago

                  Foaming at the mouth when poc mention cultural appropriation or any other form of racism that they, as a white person, don’t think “counts” or doesn’t matter. Also refusing to listen to poc about why things are racist even if they, a white person, dont think it is

                  Using mock ebonics to be “funny”

                  Acting as if poc are inherently more bigoted or more reactionary.

                  The constant bad faith interpretations of poc pointing out the double standards for whites vs poc

                  Responding to poc discussing how being marginalized doesn’t prevent white people from being racist by claiming theyre “putting ‘white’ in front of blatantly (insert bigotry here) statements to avoid criticism” when the statement is referring to specific behaviors belonging to white marginalized people. ex: white women tears in response to being called out for racism or poc not tolerating their microagressions, white trans people claiming that trans poc are actually being transphobic because they won’t let racist “jokes” slide just because theyre from a trans person, white disabled people refusing to acknowledge that disabled poc face more hurdles due to systemic racism in Healthcare and the history of segregation like in deaf schools (which led to Black people having to create their own forms of sign language), etc etc

                  Bringing up Candace Owens when poc say to listen to them about issues that effect their communities

                  Centering discussions of USAmerican vets around the white man’s ptsd from committing murder and raping poc overseas

  • happyandhappy [she/her]
    1 year ago

    ive personally really enjoyed seeing all of your contributions and i feel like you are genuinely trying to make this site a nicer place. idk what went down but id be sad to see you go meow-hug

    it’ll probably be good to take a break for bit, which is always nice in its own way. this should be a place where you enjoy spending your time and if that’s not happening you should be doing those things instead trans-heart

    • Othello [comrade/them, love/loves]@hexbear.netOP
      1 year ago

      idk what went down

      I said i hate white people after reading some of the most heinous modern day nazi shit imaginable. and now people are saying things like (im paraphrasing so i dont have to unblock people)

      “this person is probably white” they said that after someone told them I was not white. “othello is whats stopping racial solidarity” “Othello believes the same things that nazis believe” “why do you want to hurt white people othello” shit like that. like im actually being compared to the people who want me dead. why? because I check notes RECOGNIZE RACE AS A REAL THING THAT EFFECTS MY LIFE

      i think youre right im gonna try to step back, maybe just hang out in cytube till i feel better.

      • KnilAdlez [none/use name]
        1 year ago

        Any white who can’t handle the meager amount of criticism that is provided by you and this forum will fall in line with the fascists the moment they get pushback from libs. Just anti-communists in the making. Fuck them.

        • learn3code [they/them]
          1 year ago

          Yep, extremely thin skin that will inevitably get scratched. There was a mini struggle session near me because a chinese restaurant said that white people were ordering wrong, as in this is an entree that’s not an entree. Just incredible stuff lol.

  • Zodiark [he/him]
    1 year ago

    One poster in particular in that thread can go fuck themselves, but honestly I feel a huge Fuucck all you to the upvoters and other posters whining about “but you’re alienating your white allies” bullshit.

    Don’t let these assholes drive you out, or define your relationship with yourself, much less this site. Don’t internalize your anger, externalize it and know that the problem is them.

    By all means take a break, cool off, or retract from Hexbear a bit and block c/dunk_tank if you must to filter the pornography of outrage.

    Fuck tempest in particular though.

  • Full disclosure, I’m white, so I don’t have any direct experience with racism, but I am trans, disabled, and poor, so I do have some experience with oppression. That said, fuck people who demand oppressed people always remain civil and never express anything negative, lest their precious oppresser fee-fees get hurt. We’re allowed to be fucking angry and tired of shit. We should be allowed to fucking vent without worrying about “allies” getting pissy. Solidarity comes from the top down. It needs to be unconditional. And it shouldn’t depend on the oppressed being nice to their oppressors.

    Sending you lots of love and solidarity, comrade. trans-heart

  • AcidSmiley [she/her]
    1 year ago

    I can relate to that, some people here immediately turn into incredibly shitty giga libs when their privilege is being called out. As a white girl i lack firsthand experience with the racial side of that, so i’m not gonna judge how widespread that behavior is, but i know how various forms of reactionary liberalism go together and how super fucking fragile a few of the cishet dudes on here get when queer women dare to bring up their perspective in ways that question the role of straight men in the patriarchy. It’s not hard to imagine that they act the same way when confronted with their mayonaisity. As marginalized comrades, we’re only supposed to assure these libs that they are actual leftists completely innocent in systemic opression, not call out where they need to do self crit. It’s the usual shit where members of dominant society ask us for absolution instead of our honest opinion. I hope you stick around, i always enjoy reading your posts, i love that they make this site a little less painfully crackerish, and i think we just need to keep going and confront these people with uncomfortable truths, because this site is a place where that can actually gain traction and lead to people learning and improving.

    • Outdoor_Catgirl [she/her, they/them]
      1 year ago

      Yep. Racists get out. Fuck white people doesn’t mean hate for individuals with white skin, it means hate for the society of racism that white people are in charge of. And even if is the first one, so fucking what? There’s no harm done by it. There’s no KKK or cops or Nazis enforcing black supremacy. It might be hurtful to hear “fuck white people” , but it isn’t harmful unlike white racism that gets people killed.

      • AcidSmiley [she/her]
        1 year ago

        Dominant society always struggles to get that being systemically opressed isn’t the same as being bullied. Bullies who call them cracker or who want to guillotine all transphobes or who call for the immediate castration of all cishet men do not have the full force of a centuries-old system of violence that is seamlessly integrated into bourgeois rulership behind them to back us up. We’re just some person on the internet calling them names, names that have never been used in society-wide, decades-long campaigns of demonization, that have never been part of systematic ostracism from normal everyday life, that have never been used to drive campaigns of extermination against their kind, that do not have a lifetime of accumulating, society-wide, inescapable aggression and trauma behind them.

        And they will never be able to understand that, because nothing they have experienced personally comes even close to that. Because their mere right to exist has never been called into doubt. You can tell them a thousand times “no, i’ve been bullied myself, discrimination is different” or “i’ve been attacked for a chosen identity like being a leftist or being vegan, and that’s gross and unfair, but it’s not the same as transphobia or racism because at least it’s a consequence of my actions and a part of a political struggle i’ve chosen to take a side in” or “i never had to fear for my life for being white, or for being German, or for being seen as a straight dude, these just aren’t marginalized indentities”, they never understand.

        Because they’re fucking libs who have accepted the parts of liberalism that make it an inherently exclusionary, discriminatory, deeply violent system by pretending that it treats all humans as equals when it verifyably doesn’t. Liberal egalitarianism is a threat to my life, and to the lifes of all my black and brown comrades, and these fuckers go out of their way to prove me correct on this.

  • To Othello: You are super cool and I really appreciate reading what you have to say. I really appreciate your perspective and all you give to this community. I hope the rest of us can make this a good enough place for you to stay. You deserve a good place where your comrades have your back. [/gen, angry on your behalf, hoping you stay]

    To the white fragile people who were being assholes to Othello,: Raise your fucking standards for yourself. Read. Learn. Don’t take out your fragility and big feelings about race on black people. Do you feel upset when a black person expresses feelings about race? Do some reading about the history of racism. Do some emotional work. Don’t turn your ignorance and your feelings into a burden for black people. Don’t take out your insecurities, your anger, your fragility, your fear on black people. Deal with it yourself. If you don’t have the tools, find them. Research. Learn. And if you don’t have the energy for that, then shut the fuck up.

    To my fellow white people on this site: We have to do better about defending our black, indigenous, and people of color comrades on this site. Yes, it takes work to learn, it takes time and energy and discomfort and going outside of our comfort zones. But we have to do that work, and we have to do a better job. We have to collectively create a site where our black, indigenous, and people of color comrades feel safe, where they know we’ll be there for them and have their backs. It’s fun to shitpost, and shitposting is an important part of the culture here too. But we also have to do ongoing work to make it so that when we see racism, we notice it, and call it out. It might take the mods a while to get to delete and ban racism, but we should be there to back our comrades up and make racists feel unwelcome. An important part of leftism is making sure that we have spaces that feel good for our comrades to be in. We need to be able to create and maintain spaces that are supportive. With the federations having happened, there’s been somewhat of a focus on bringing leftism to other communities, educating outsiders etc, but we also have to remember that gaining numbers by bringing in outsiders is not the only factor affecting numbers. If we bring in assholes, and then they drive out people from minority groups, then we haven’t actually gained anything good. We need to create spaces where our black, indigenous, and people of color comrades can stay. And from my digging to try to figure out what this was all about, it sounds like some (or all? not sure) of the users harassing Othello were from inside hexbear. So we need to do better. We need to go out of our way to do the emotional work, educate ourselves, and actively look for racism on the site so we can stamp it out.