Performatively pretending to support movements against oppression is just no longer, in any way, less frustrating than the conservative tendency to just outright support oppression, and that’s all liberals do.

Obviously, conservatives are evil and huge pieces of shit, but I’m at a point in my online presence where I just expect the most brainlet shit from them.

Libs, on the other hand, are just in an indefinite cycle of spouting bad takes that enable oppression, but due to ignorance, they think they’re actively helping fight against it.

As a trans person of color, bigotry from conservatives is phasing me much less nowadays, but racism and transphobia from libs now seems significantly more abhorrent.

Don’t expect me to explain the psychology behind it. This is just how it be like sometimes.

  • Alaskaball [comrade/them]
    7 months ago

    I’d say the prole hogs are more ignorant self-righteous types that who tend to calcify themselves in life and thought to the point their mundane day-to-day existence has become the majority of their life existence, leading to any sort of injections of novelty being rejected if its too avant garde or accepted if it’s similar enough to their lived experiences. Hell they tend to care more about shit that immediately impacts them like their budgets, hobbies, and slop to consume than what’s happening in DC or around the world. Example would be some of my gunfucker coworkers absolutely concidering the democrats as demons because they don’t want their hobby fucked with, or another coworker who was mildly transphobic completely changing his mind to being completwly okay with trans people existing because his favorite TV show back when he was watching it had one of the characters transition to masc and kept the show rolling like nothing changed (I think that was Eliot Page in umbrella academy, couldnt really tell you anything about it since i dont watch tv lol), and then all the other hogs who don’t even give a shit about politics but votes R exclusively because they look at the taxes taken out of their paycheck and fucking hate it. Conversely there’s always the ideologically brainwormed hogs, the evangelical nut jobs, the rare Qanon crank, the off-the-deep-end conspiracy cranks, and of course the ever-classic fox News watcher who’s perpetually mad at something that’s far away and doesn’t actually impact their lives but feels very strongly about it. Now excluding the conspiracy crank, these hogglets have told me straight up heinous shit they’d like to do - and coincidentally they’re either in management or they act like they’re in management.

    Liberals on the other hand sorta fall into similar categories of plain hogs that don’t really give a shit and hogs with brainworms the size of snakes that embody the DNC self-righteous piety and absolute faith in u.s legalism in the most insufferable ways we all know and hate.

    It’s fucking awful in the fact that every single person I’ve known will say they’re righteous and that their ideological outlook (no matter how incoherent) is just. Like even the worst people I know are convinced they’re the good guys and the other is the bad guy that only wants bad things for them.