My feeling is that Casalaro got played by fantasists. The inescapable nature of ‘the octopus’ conspiracy is that its extremely undercooked in terms of evidence. Casalaros investigations point towards CIA laundering of drug money - but we already know about Iran Contra, it was known in the early 90s, and the world greeted it with a shrug. It’s a big leap from there to the realms of literal ‘shadow government’ type conspiracy.

So why did guys like Micheal Rioscutto or Booth Nichols spin these stories?
Riocsutto claims he has it all worked out. In reality, he is trying to work out his own life. Yes he was involved with intelligence, these kinds of operations are compartmentalised and its likely he never understood the significance even of his own role. Now as a washed up pawn of no importance to anyone, having sold his life to the most grubby and evil enterprise and having been burned for it, his desire to understand - combined with a narcissistic refusal to realise his own insignificance - leads to him creating fantasies of being an integral part of an earth-shattering conspiracy of power.
Nichols Booth is a similar story, although probably more self-conscious. Recall the scene in the documentary where a female journalist tells of him showing the ‘true’ Zapruder film. Her interpretation is that this is to ensure plausible deniability (ie her reporting of such an obvious fake would discredit anything else he said in meeting with her). My interpretation is it was rather the actions of a narcissistic conman trying to weed out a sucker. Is she prepared to go along for the ride with him, or does she have the critical thinking skills that will ultimately lead to her doubting him (and thus crippling his self importance) - if it’s the latter, best not to waste time in the first place. So show her something absurd straight away.

I dont know if Danny was murdered or not, but regardless I think his life was effectively stolen by these creeps, and it’s a dead end as far as conspiracies go.

What do you think? Apologies if it’s been discussed here already

Edit: none of this is to suggest that the idea of an old boys intelligence network involved in all sorts of heinous shit isn’t plausible in theory, just that Cassalaro’s sources were the worst possible combination of dangerous and useless

    7 months ago

    As an aside, the second they got Michael in the car, they should have done the world a favor and drove it into a brick wall at 150 mph