Legal experts say its time for the Supreme Court’s ethics code to grow some teeth

Legal experts are lamenting the lack of an enforceable judicial ethics code, with some calling for Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito’s recusal, following a New York Times report that a symbol of the “Stop the Steal” movement to reject the 2020 election was flown outside Alito’s home in the wake of the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

Ten leading legal experts told Salon Friday that the conduct — the flying of an upside-down flag, a known symbol of the movement to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election, at a justice’s home — appears to violate the Supreme Court’s own ethics code, adopted last last year, by creating an appearance of bias.

Those experts said it’s far past time for the nine justices who enjoy lifetime appointments to hold themselves to the highest ethical standards. But, they noted, the Supreme Court has shown itself reluctant to do so.

“The situation is out of control,” Richard Painter, a former White House ethics lawyer under President George W. Bush who worked with Justice Alito on his 2006 Senate confirmation, told Salon. “This is after the insurrection, so it’s really him weighing in, getting involved publicly in a dispute over the insurrection.”

        5 months ago

        The people wanting to leave at the moment? They might vote, they still have the power to push those who don’t to do so instead of trying to move elsewhere. Hell, by leaving they only make things worse for those who stay by making those who want to improve things a smaller % of the population.

        At the moment a majority of the population is pro choice in the USA, but seeing that right attacked isn’t enough to make more than a minority of those under 35 go out and vote, they’re exactly the people concerned!

        Now you’ve got people that would otherwise vote Democrat saying they won’t vote for Biden because of Palestine, as if that doesn’t pave the way for Trump and as if he would be any better.

        Progressives don’t actually get involved in politics, you’ve got very few Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez compared to the number of Romney and Greene.