Hey everyone, welcome back. Today I’m covering one of my favorite companies of all time, White Wolf. Responsible for smash hit RPGs like Vampire: the Masquerade, Werewolf: the Apocalypse and Mage: the Ascension. From their meteoric rise from a literal garage magazine to gobbling up nearly 26% of the RPG market. At one point it was thought they may even be able to eclipse Dungeons & Dragons. However, some poor acquisitions led by some edgy writing would lead to their downfall.

Learn how this 90s darling would go from the just a couple of guys, to CCP Games, publisher of EVE Online, to their own failed World of Darkness MMORPG attempt before eventually falling to today, owned by Paradox Interactive who has done a ton with the license so far.

  • Pteryx the Puzzle Secretary@dice.camp
    1 year ago

    @Flushmaster @copacetic I dunno, there’s one WoD game that could be pressed into the MMO mold with some work: Werewolf: the Apocalypse.

    Be a furry, shapeshifting, rage-fueled ecoterrorist, tearing apart fomori in the streets at night, raiding Pentex buildings, diving into surreal Umbral landscapes to learn Gifts from spirits, attacking Black Spiral Dancer strongholds…