Unless they plan to drop some bombs over our heads I don’t see how WW3 with the US involved would result in better accomodations for the ruzzians.

I’m a lazy gunless asshole typing away from my couch. But if some grade a asshole from ruzzia came to bother me, I probably could easily run downstairs and grab any one of many power tools capable of removing ruzzians body parts.

I believe the Ukrainian defense is going to kick ruzzians ass pretty good. Hopefully soon we’ll see putin coming out of a smokey hole in the ground on a grainy YouTube video. putin is the real reason for the war. Removing him might bring up a few more people like him, but those can be removed since the public won’t be behind them.

  • quixotic120@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Also nontraditional warfare that has technically been seen but not really (at least in an officially acknowledged way, maybe something like stuxnet?) like offensive cyber warfare. If things truly came to trading blows russia does have very talented cyber espionage folks and the us has shown many times that it has pretty shocking vulnerabilities on many critical points of cyber infrastructure. these probably haven’t been attacked because it would be a literal act of war to go after the power grid, weapons systems, water delivery systems, etc but if the gloves come off then you better believe these systems start getting attacked by state sponsored actors who will never come anywhere near american land