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If you can get out, do it. If don’t, stay in the closet. Tapi gw punya faith (ha!) sih sama genz. Hopefully they do better than those boomer dipshits like op that he is.
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Abisin anggaran go brrr
Goddammit I cant help but laughed.
Cape deh bikin peraturan ga jelas gini.
You have my sword keyboard
No, no. He’s got a point.
But then when you switch to that virtual desktop you’ll be sharing it too, and I don’t want that.
Yang bacot nasionalisme, gaji masih sekitaran umr, dikasi gaji SGD5000 apa nga langsung ngepak koper?
Alhamdulillah masih ada yang berpikir jernih.
I wfh and do a lot of screensharing. With multiple monitors I can just share a monitor and put everything I want to share there (browser, IDE, terminal) and other things I don’t want to share on my other monitors. With 1 screen it is hard to do that, I have to keep switching share window. Not sure if there’s any other way, I’m an old fart.
Kalo prinsip gw sih, yang jalanin hidup sampe mati kan gw ya. Jadi kalo keluarga ga bisa terima pilihan hidup gw (misal pilihan pasangan hidup atau finansial) ya itu bukan kewajiban gw untuk menyenangkan semua orang (termasuk ortu sekalipun). Kasus di gw sih ekstrim ya, ortu gw dan keluarga besar toxic banget, diskusi pun ga mempan dan udah sampe level konfrontasi, jadi gw mikirnya I can’t change them so gw cutoff aja. Never been happier ever since. Semoga elu ga perlu seekstrim gw sih & bisa happy.
My repost has been reposted lmao
Propinsi yang kalo dikritik dikit “ktp ngendi su?”. Ampe sekarang diskriminasi abis.