micnd90 [he/him,any]

  • 37 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 17th, 2020


  • Should’ve changed their mascot from a donkey to lemmings. I hate this spineless party so much. The cowering and mass hysteria is embarrassing. Once a person buckled, the whole house of cards come down. Their reactionary doomer hysteria Op-Eds today are worse than Biden’s actual debate performance. Literally not a whole lot of people outside the media/politics pundit bubble actually care that much. Majority of people literally didn’t bother to tune in. I’m actually baffled how the Dems is a functioning major political party, they were carried by Obama for 8 years and barely managed to win an election against the most incompetent president in history in the middle of pandemic where thousands of people die everyday. Like actually try to stand up for your principles, yuck. Libs deserve everything coming to them, the problem is they are dragging us and the whole planet down with their incompetence.

  • Now I subjected myself to some reaction from “professional” analyst, I kinda think that this was a hitjob and a coup.

    Usually, the first “hot” take by analyst on the network hosting the debate is the most important. John King of CNN, right after the debate ends immediately goes on “panic among Democratic party.” Then everyone on the panel, Van Jones, David Axelrod, Alyssa Griffin, all took turn burying the shiv, with nothing positive to say. These people are not that brave, and they have been gaslighting people for 6 years (ever since Biden started running in '18 he’s been mentally compromised). Same with MSNBC, Rachel Maddow asked Alex Wagner and she immediately also said that the reaction was negative. Joy Ann Reid piled on and said Joe Biden don’t have the stamina. The replacement headline then immediately made it to NYT front page, opinion piece, and now repeated by all major outlets. These people didn’t went through the denial, anger, bargaining stage, they all within 1 1/2 hr debate go to acceptance in unison.