City Underbelly was one of the winning themes of the month, and I decided to go with something that could be pretty versatile. You could use this as an underground lair, or an above ground city chunk, you could put a market down in the large open space too! You can download the free version of the map here: If you like my work, please consider supporting me <3.

  • ...m...
    311 months ago

    …i love how the perspective and lighting both just open up the sense of volume, so it feels like an ambient space rather than a flat map…

    …which VTTs do you know of which readily support your animated maps?..they seem like a perfect match for alchemy’s rudimentary tabletop grid, but my VTT platform experience is mostly limited to the player side of the screen…

    • DomilleOP
      111 months ago

      Foundry VTT definitely can, and I have Foundry compatible webms available to the Patrons :)