Self defense? Only on the battlefield? Only to achieve a ‘noble’ end?

  • @jjjalljs
    578 months ago

    Self defense. But also like someone else said proportionate response is key. If someone gets mad at you in a bar and throws a punch, pushing him away is fine. Hitting him to subdue him is probably okay. Shooting him dead is not.

    I’m also not really okay with people using murder to defend their stuff. Like if someone sneaks into my house and I catch them going out the window with my tv, shooting them is not to me justified. There are more TV’s. That guy gets one life. Remember what Gandalf said.

    I think a lot of people have like tough guy fantasies about shooting a burglar and it always makes me uncomfortable.

    On the other hand, if someone was on trial for shooting a Nazi dead I would find them not guilty. Shame that Nazi spontaneously bled out. But at least he’s gone before he killed my entire family and friends.

      87 months ago

      I’m good with you shooting someone entering your house, but not when they’re leaving. I don’t expect people, especially vulnerable ones, to bet their life that the guy breaking in is a thief and not a rapist or murderer.

      • @jjjalljs
        127 months ago

        It might be availability bias or similar, but there are a lot of stories about people shooting people entering their house or property that should not have been shot.

        There was one about a kid who went to the wrong house

        There was a story about delivery drivers who got shot at recently. That’s actually a good example of the shooter unnecessarily escalating. He could’ve just… Not shot at them. They were trying to leave.

        There’s the related story of that page links

        None of these are okay.

        It’s possible there’s a bunch of unreported instances of people successfully defending themselves with guns. Scenarios like that where the person on the property really was there with deadly intentions. But I kind of feel like no. I’m pretty sure the scenario of “someone breaks into your house to murder you!” is actually extremely rare. (or if it does happen, it’s the police)

        We should also take a moment to think on the chilling effect accepting this level of violence has. I don’t want this to be a world where I have to worry about being shot because some idiot feared for his life or property.

        I was visiting a friend in upstate New York and I was legit worried walking from the train to their place. I wasn’t sure which house was my friend’s. I called them and had them come out and greet me because I didn’t want to risk going to a neighbor’s house by accident, and have that neighbor shoot me because they thought I was a burglar. And I’m a white guy.

          17 months ago

          I would agree those are unreasonable uses of force. And bad raids don’t end with LEO getting shot nearly enough.

          The comment I was replying to mentioned someone stealing a TV through a window if I’m not mistaken, and that’s what I’m referring to. But if you decide to force your way into someone’s house, it’s not on them to interrogate you to determine your intent. I have respect for people that would risk themselves in a situation they didn’t create, but I don’t think it’s reasonable to force everyone to behave as tho the guy that just broke your window or forced his way into your house is just there for a cup of tea.

    • Throwaway
      18 months ago

      Problem with proportionate response is these things happen quickly. You have adrenaline pumping, you don’t know if your attacker has a weapon, you can’t wait for a cop to show up, and often a punch isn’t going to do much. Unless you’re a boxer or something like that, fighting is hard and ineffective.

      Proportionate response is basically saying “Yeah, you can defend yourself, but you’re rolling the dice if you do”

      Also, for the record, non lethal weapons don’t work reliably. Tasers can get caught in clothes, druggies ignore pepper spray. Only a lethal weapon is reliable. If you want to carry something for self defense, you want reliability.

      • @jjjalljs
        18 months ago

        I mean… Maybe? How often does that ever happen? Most of the scenarios I’m thinking of are like someone is yelling at you about a parking spot. If someone shoves me because they’re mad I took their spot, pulling out a gun is not justified.

        People have these fantasies about someone breaking into their house and they heroically use their gun to save their stuff. What’s more likely is you shoot your kid sneaking in drunk, or a guy who went to the wrong address.

        You should avoid irrevocable decisions when you’re hepped up on adrenaline. You called it a roll of the dice. Escalating your response is also a roll of the dice.

        Also you said only a lethal weapon is reliable. That’s not really true. People miss. Guns misfire. People forget how to work the safety. Or they accidentally hit someone behind their target.

        But my table was just called for dinner so I’m going to go and leave you with this half baked reply. Have a good and hopefully violence free night!

        • Throwaway
          18 months ago

          If someone shoves me because they’re mad I took their spot, pulling out a gun is not justified.

          In that example, you have no idea if they have a gun in their pocket. All you know is you have a crazy person angry at you.

          Escalating your response is also a roll of the dice.

          True, but not escalating is also a roll of the dice. If you don’t shoot, and you guessed wrong, you’re dead. If you shoot and you guessed wrong, you aren’t dead. It’s a roll of the dice, but you get to decide which dice you roll.

          Have a good and hopefully violence free night!

          You too! Stay safe.

    378 months ago

    When someone who I was supposed to be able to trust kept repeatedly trying to record me naked in the shower, I retaliated once by kicking him hard in the face. I was told that what I did was wrong and violence was never the answer. I disagree.

      168 months ago

      I agree with you and disagree with anyone who said it’s not OK.

      Some people will learn with a gentle hand. Some learn with a slightly firm hand. Some only learn when you pick up a 2x4 and beat them.

      • Whenever my father’s family wanted to convey what an injury felt like or needed a theoretical weapon the humble 2x4 was always used. Thanks for bringing back memories of the old folks telling stories around a fire or in a crowded, smoky kitchen. :)

      8 months ago

      As a kid another kid regularly bullied me. Nothing extremely serious… pushing me, grabbing me, putting me in a headlock, stuff like that whenever he felt like it and/or wanted something. Parents and teachers were not able to stop it and I basically just got retaliation. One day when he came at me I simply kicked and managed to hit right in his balls. He ran away crying. Never bothered me again afterwards. Still feels good.

    308 months ago

    Nobody else has mentioned proportionality.

    When responding to aggression, the response should not significantly escalate the risk. So lethal force should only be applied in scenarios where there is a lethal threat, etc.

      • VaultBoyNewVegas
        98 months ago

        Nope. That’s the logic cops use when shooting people in the back or kicking a guy in the head who’s lying on the ground.

        • MxM111
          58 months ago

          But that’s all you have in the moment. There is nothing else.

          47 months ago

          You’re not required to risk your life for someone that’s victimizing you. You didn’t create the situation and your responsibility is to defend yourself and your loved ones.

          • VaultBoyNewVegas
            -17 months ago

            Sure I’ll keep a knife on me and shank every cunt that walks near me as they might be a threat

            Sounds totally fucking sane. No wonder this planets fucked when there’s people looking for an excuse to put someone six feet under.

              37 months ago

              You should chill a bit and not make wild assumptions.

              Can you respond to me directly with what you find wrong with the idea, or present an actual situation you think I’d be okay with?

              I’m talking about clear and obvious aggression. If someone pulls a knife, you’re allowed to defend yourself. You don’t have to wait to get stabbed.

              And I would recommend a firearm for defense, but that’s on you. I carry a knife so I can kill myself if I feel like it.

          • VaultBoyNewVegas
            38 months ago

            I’ve been caught in a bomb scare, guns would have done fuck all when there was a massive police presence that the trains were stopped and the shut down a whole part of a city. In fact a gun would have made me more likely to be killed than going the fuck home.

    278 months ago

    Violence is justified when it’s needed to protect yourself or someone else from violence. That’s about it, honestly.

    I am not a fan of pre-emptive violence.

      7 months ago

      Surely protecting is by definition preemptive since it means you are not allowing the violence against yourself or someone else to occur? Not saying your first point is wrong just doesn’t seem consistent to me.

      Only revenge/retribution would not be preemptive which imo is not better.

      • snooggums
        57 months ago

        Preemptive is a different word from defending because they mean different things. Preemptive violence is violence that happens before a threat exists because of the possibility of a threat.

        So shooting your neighbor on Tuesday because think he might be violent on Wednesday. If on Wednesday he shows up and makes verbal threats of imminent violence, responding to the threat of violence by being violent first would be self defense and not preemptive because the threat actually exists at the time. Timing and context matter, not who literally who gets off the first shot/punch/violent act.

        27 months ago

        There are situations where people have created a situation where you don’t have total knowledge of the future, but acting in defense seems justified.

        I think we can quibble over the specifics about what’s reasonable, but you don’t have to wait until you’re bleeding out to defend yourself.

          27 months ago

          For me personally, the answer to the original question would be “only once no other non-violent means are available”.

          Does this resonate, or would you consider it different to your perspective? I see them as similar.

            27 months ago

            Personally, I’d prefer non-violent over violent means for myself. If other people are involved it would depend - I won’t risk someone else’s life if I can avoid it. I tell my niece that she’s allowed to stab dudes that don’t respond to “no”.

      87 months ago

      I would argue to stop other violence, not necessarily bigger, is also justified. It’s never allowed unrestricted, especially as the bigger entity, but a tactical or measured response to prevent further violence can make sense.

            7 months ago

            I don’t believe that is what you meant, but @dewritoninja has a point: on your definition, where is the acceptable limit for the violence-to-supress-violence?

            PS: “An eye for an eye” (law of exact retaliation) was written to suppress escalation of violence. And usually people consider even that excessive.

              77 months ago

              My point is that it’s an absurd argument.

              Let’s talk real world, the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Do you think a reasonable argument can be made that those bombings made sense? If not, what about in 1945?

              I’m not asking you to agree, just to understand the argument. It’s a discussion worth having, even if you disagree with the answer.

                27 months ago

                I don’t think it made sense, even at that time. Those cities were mainly built with wood, and US used a lot of fire against Japan.

                The use of nuclear power against Japan was more like a test and a message, it was not needed to win the war. (At least this is what I remember from this documentary )

    158 months ago

    Self défense, yep. On a battlefield ? Let these old fuck fight one vs one to resolve their conflict. A noble end is so fucking subjective that I think it would be a terrible idea.

    147 months ago

    Violence is justified when you have no other means left to defend yourself or someone else otherwise.

    At which point I would like to add that people will sometimes not be able to see the means they have left because they are put in a stressful situation in a second. I feel like you can’t really blame them for that.

    Violence as a response should always be in proportion. That should avoid escalation. In an ideal world.

    Unfortunately some people won’t stop. Those people need to be put into prison where they cannot hurt anyone anymore.

    138 months ago

    I heard a quote that has really stuck with me, it goes something like “violence is the supreme authority from which all other authority is derived”

    I don’t really condone violence, but this quote has really gotten me thinking.