Another player who was at the table during the incident sent me this meme after the problem player in question (they had a history) left the group chat.

Felt like sharing it here because I’m sure more people should keep this kind of thing in mind.

      7 months ago

      What is a disability “for intrinsic reasons” or that is “intrinsically wrong”? Only disabilities that cause direct pain?

      Per definition, a disability is something that gives you a handicap for living in how the world is.

          7 months ago

          I don’t care. The definition of what a disability is, is clear. When all people would be deaf, would deafness be a disability? No.

          It doesn’t matter whether you personally want to be cured or not. If someone has no legs and they like it, it’s still a disability because the person has a clear handicap in the current world. It doesn’t matter that, in a hypothetical world where heaving legs doesn’t matter, it wouldn’t be seen as a handicap.

              7 months ago

              No, it’s something else than (instead of autism). Perhaps it a-symptomatic or someone has overcome it.

              Imagine someone has a broken leg. It would not make sense to say they still have a broken leg but it’s not a disability because society could just change and make it a non-problem. It’s irrelevant whether it wouldn’t be seen as a problem when everyone had a broken leg or no one would care about it.

                  7 months ago

                  You said a flaw is still a disability even when everyone has it.

                  Where did I wrote that?! I wrote that the hypothetical situation where everyone has a broken leg and therefore then it would be considered normal, doesn’t invalidate that a broken leg is a handicap in our (non-hypothetical) real life.

                  Also, being double jointed is not considered a disability.

                  And further, the word is clearly defined (this is translated from my language to English):

                  Physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which prevent a person from participating equally in society for longer than six months.

                  And what we categorise as a disability is grounded on the definition above. Since autism is categorized as a disability, it wouldn’t make sense to diagnose someone with autism if the above is not true.

                  I don’t see how this can not make sense. It seems so obvious that you do not have a disability when nothing is disabling you. When someone says “I have disability X but it’s not disabling” then congratulations, you are cured.