• @psvrh@lemmy.ca
    2 months ago

    It’s amazing how, even ten years ago, even one of the things Trump did would have killed another candidate’s political career, if not toppled an entire government.

    I thought that shit Bush II’s people got a pass on was bad, but this is next-level banana Republic, Silvio Berlusconi “Hey, I thought she was 18” level stuff.

    • Pennomi
      312 months ago

      Bush mostly operated under plausible deniability (we totally thought they had WMDs guys!)

      Trump operates off of his cult of personality, so being subtle about his lies isn’t really in his playbook. He does better when he bullies his followers into rejecting the truth outright.

      • @njm1314@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        Also Bush’s people still stick to the lie. Heard Condoleezza Rice do something a while back and and she still says they had WMDs. They’ve committed to the lie. Trump just admits shit. I mean he’s straight I’ve already said he was guilty in this. He doesn’t even have to bother.

        • Optional
          2 months ago

          Condoleezza “Oil Tanker” Rice still desires a respect she’ll never, ever get. She is bound by her contract with the devil to maintain the lie until she passes hereafter to her own hell loop.

      • Optional
        42 months ago

        Bush mostly operated under plausible deniability (we totally thought they had WMDs guys!)

        Only if one was a complete idiot. We all knew there were none, the IAEA said there were none, even Colin Powell’s pitiful lie was bullshit on the face of it, not to mention the SOTU’s Reel Srs FacE pulled when he said “yellowcake uranium . . . . from Africa” was all horrifyingly bad lying.

        They even gave it up themselves a couple of years later when Il Dubz looked under his chair at the WHPCD and said “those WMD’s have to be somewhere! Hyuk hyuk”

        Never plausible. Never. Just theatre. All for Fox news and the talk radio masses to snort up and get ready to kill for.

        • @jumjummy@lemmy.world
          32 months ago

          On a related note, this is the main reason I can’t buy into any 9/11 was a government inside job. They couldn’t even fake finding WMDs in Iraq to justify the whole thing.

        • Pennomi
          12 months ago

          I guess what I’m saying is that Bush’s claims could conceivably exist in a slightly different world, especially to those in a conservative media bubble.

          Trump’s lies are so boldfaced that even his statements within the echo chamber of conservative news strain reality.

    • Celediel
      212 months ago

      Kinda like the time Howard Dean went “BYAAAH” and it ruined his political career. It feels like we’ve been living in a bizarro world.

      • Optional
        182 months ago

        That one was even manufactured. If you were in the room it didnt’ sound like that. By taking the microphone’s line out only and stripping the crowd noise out it sounded weird. All the news orgs knew it at the time and ran it anyway. Just for funsies. And we got Bush II II.

  • themeatbridge
    432 months ago

    Are we going to do this “making history” bit with every phase of the trial?

    “Prosecutors made history by calling their first witness…”

    “End of historic first day of a President on trial…”

    “First ever bathroom break in the historic trial of Former President Trump. Sources close to the President say he didn’t wash his hands (or his ass, from the smell of it).”

    I mean, I get it. We’re all excited to hope that he might finally be held accountable for some of his crimes. And it is a big deal that he’s on trial, but like… Can you just let us know when he actually faces consequences?

    • @EnderMB@lemmy.world
      152 months ago

      It’s perhaps a bit tin-foil hat, but I think this is the kind of wording that the right (and Trump) want to be used. If after an “unprecedented” and “legendary” trial nothing happens (or a verdict is delayed until after he wins) then the spin will be that he faced the most persecution of any president, and walked away in charge.

    • ares35
      102 months ago

      “a historic day in the court room today, as the court recessed for 15 minutes for a diaper change–interrupting the testimony from the very first witness called by the state.”

  • Neato
    192 months ago

    I hope we get a transcript today. I can only imagine how long they’ve been preparing for this statement. It should be good.

    • @Dkarma@lemmy.world
      52 months ago

      The best part is seeing trump after the day ends going out in front of cameras and undercutting his own defense…you love to see it. It’s like he’s trying to outdo the prosecutor

    • Nougat
      22 months ago

      I get that hope, but for the sanctity of the legal process, I wouldn’t really want a transcript until after the verdict (and sentencing as appropriate).

  • @corsicanguppy@lemmy.ca
    132 months ago

    Did Candidate Haley concede the race? I rather felt this and Trump’s other trial were her endgame win strategy.

    • @dhork@lemmy.world
      162 months ago

      IIRC, Haley suspended her campaign, but has not technically ended it, nor has she endorsed Trump or anyone else. So the few delegates she won will remain pledged to her.

      And if Trump all of a sudden becomes ineligible, then Haley is in a good position as the only other candidate with any delegates. Now, the Supreme Court refused to make Trump ineligible, and it’s become quite clear that Trump will run from jail if it comes to that. So the only way Trump will not get the nomination is if God exercises His Ultimate Veto between now and the convention…

      • @bradorsomething
        42 months ago

        Not only would trump run from jail, he would make tiger king his vp candidate so they were both in jail.

  • Optional
    122 months ago

    I’m just doubting any national candidate for office could look any more ridiculous. I think a fake clown nose would be an improvement.