• MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]@hexbear.net
        1 month ago

        So apparently the fash didn’t check what else was happening in Blackpool this weekend because if they had, they would have known that Rebellion Festival was on, a yearly (mostly old school) punk fest that gets about 8000 punks every year and is a well known institution in Blackpool. It didn’t go very well for them. Some of the spicier videos have been taken down (probably good opsec on the punks part) but there’s still a few up which aren’t too incriminating and have spread everywhere.

        (Apologies for the lack of XCancel links, it’s 403ing for me today)

        A bunch of fash decided to try and push into the centre where the punks were and ended up being pushed back several streets and getting some licks too. Here’s a short video. Seeing racist lads decide to have a go and then immediately regret it when they get clipped or sometimes just shitting themselves when actually confronted and running is pretty great. Also keep an eye out for the racist lad in purple who gets himself stuck amongst the punks who give him a smack, then help him up and send him on his way as he flinches in terror at every punk who shouts in his face.

        At one point another mob of a hundred or more fash cornered and surrounded maybe a dozen punks outside a church, pelting them with bottles and chairs for about 15 minutes nonstop as well as running in to have a go. Punks mostly stood there, unflinching, and stared them down while returning chairs to senders (with a lot more accuracy). Video here. Watch the one wannabe boxer run in all black (near the centre of the shot) try to run in and fight one of the punks, doing a bunch of tricky stepping that’s really just a retreat against a guy who just holds his ground look bored, before running back in about ten seconds later and getting nailed in the face with a chair on its return visit. Here’s a decent photo too:

        The police took 15 minutes to arrive on police horses and push the fash out of the square completely and when one mounted officer came to bark orders at the punks too a guy in his 50s apparently said “What the fuck took you so long? You not feeding your horse?”.

        The punks stayed afterwards to have pints and clean up:

        Even as the fash was fizzling out a few decided to hang around and try to find punks on their own, like this guy who stared down at least five of them until they reportedly gave up and fucked off. Excellent tee shirt too:

        By the end of the afternoon things were pretty much back to normal in town. Punks carried on partying and hanging around like this lady with her seagull:

        Or this busker who played metal riffs at the mounted police all afternoon, apparently including when it was kicking off:

        Today at the festival people were selling these tee shirts:

        Which if you’re not a Brit of a certain age and don’t know what Teletext was then you’ll have to trust me is a good bit or ask me to explain it in another reply.

  • quarrk [he/him]@hexbear.net
    1 month ago

    A few months back, these losers tried wrecking a pro-Palestine march by throwing Nazi salutes. Idk if they were charged with anything since symbols alone are not illegal in Finland - I think intentional agitation might be illegal? Either way it was funny to watch them make the cameraman remove his Spidey mask