• Rhynoplaz
    1115 months ago

    So, I can understand wanting to live alone in the middle of nowhere and not being bothered by anyone else. I got no problem with off-the-grid mountain men, but signing up for multiple credit cards, and spending that money with NO intention of paying any of it back, is just straight up theft.

    How can these goons expect to take whatever they want without contributing anything at all?

    • Optional
      485 months ago

      Yes, the mind of the sovcit is well-nigh impenetrable to those of us who suffer from reasonableness.

      TL;DR: they cray

    • @phoenixz@lemmy.ca
      -215 months ago

      Half of the Lemmy users continually talk about how they never want to work for a minute while still being able to eat, sleep, and play games and smoke weed all day.

      You tell me if you figure it out, please

        • Blooper
          115 months ago

          “These jackasses over here seem to want to live their lives happier, healthier, and carefree like some utopia or something. Dummies, amirite?”

        • Cethin
          75 months ago

          A red herring doesn’t need to exist to use it as a distraction.

      • @jj4211@lemmy.world
        55 months ago

        The main difference between most of the folks you reference is that they are wishing for something even if they don’t know a reasonable way to get there. Sometimes what they describe they think to be realistic is in fact not realistic, but they are wishing and hoping but generally living in reality according to the rules while they do so.

        Versus outright trying to rip off others to “achieve” that goal, making up your own money, declaring yourself actually immune to all inconvenient laws.

    • @rockSlayer@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      The only reason I’m hesitant to call it theft is because those giant credit companies make money off of their loan shark cards

      Edit: Oh boy, I made a hot take! Theft assumes that a person had a right to something to begin with. Shoplifting from Walmart is morally acceptable, it’s cool to make credit cards with an alias and not pay it back, and all cops are bastards. Just don’t expect to get away without consequences.

      • @acceptable_pumpkin@lemmy.world
        325 months ago

        How is one action related to the other? This isn’t some Robin Hood type of person stealing from the big bad corporation to feed other people. It’s just a fraudster who somehow thinks they are entitled to this money.

        • @rockSlayer@lemmy.world
          -35 months ago

          Sometimes people do the right thing for the wrong reason. It’s based and cool to fuck over a credit company. The problem is that sovcit believe they can participate in the system and be absolved of consequences, and because they don’t understand anything about modern sociopolitical trends they often do a bunch of stupid shit like trying to pay their loans with “coupons”.

          • @jj4211@lemmy.world
            35 months ago

            Yeah, the sovcit isn’t being based and cool fucking over the credit company. The credit company shrugs, does everything they can to ruin the sovcit financial standing in response, and then proceeds to just grab a bit more cash from the other cardholders to cover any losses. The credit company will make sure it is whole either way.

      • @Perfide@reddthat.com
        215 months ago

        I mean, it legally IS theft, well, fraud technically. The company 100% deserving it doesn’t change that fact lol.

      • Rhynoplaz
        185 months ago

        I get you. I have no love for those banks, but the surprised Pikachu face on Sovcits when the magic coupon doesn’t work is just embarrassing.

        • @rockSlayer@lemmy.world
          85 months ago

          Tbf, it’s also hilarious! Every time they can’t get away with their libertarian nonsense, I get a little happier

        • @jj4211@lemmy.world
          45 months ago

          It’s not so much about white knighting for the multibillion dollar company. It’s recognizing that any cash the sovcit manages to make multibillion dollar company lose will just have that company pull it out of the pockets of the people that do pay their bills. So trying to claim that sovcit has any vaguely moral high ground in sticking it to those credit card companies is ridiculous.

          • @BrotherL0v3@lemmy.world
            05 months ago

            It’s recognizing that any cash the sovcit manages to make multibillion dollar company lose will just have that company pull it out of the pockets of the people that do pay their bills.

            This relies on the assumption that credit card companies are not already extracting as much value as they can from those bill payers. If they thought they could get away with raising rates on people without turning enough away to make it a net loss, it seems to me that they would have already.

  • @MrJameGumb@lemmy.world
    495 months ago

    Is this person claiming that “sovereign citizens” are not required to pay their credit card bills? Wtf is a “coupon payment”?

      • @MrJameGumb@lemmy.world
        115 months ago

        Oh, I’m well aware of that lol I’ve just never heard one say outright that they’re entitled to free credit cards they can use but not pay for. I read some of the other posts OP made about it and apparently this person thinks they’re entitled to free power from the power company too lol

        • Optional
          355 months ago

          First, abaondon logic.

          Okay now that you’ve done that here’s how it works: Because the world operates without our explicit say-so, we get everything for free. we do this by reminding them that we are not “account numbers” but human beings, and if they want account numbers they can have this one we just scribbled down on the back of a cigarette carton and it’s probably good for whatever the balance of the card is. That’s up to them to figure out.

          And if this sounds like absolute insanity, I would remind everyone that people are still supporting a demented rapist and failed insurrectionist for President. Write to your local news and tell them to cut the shit.

    • @DharkStare@lemmy.world
      235 months ago

      That’s their term for money. They believe money stopped being money and turned into coupons when we dropped the gold standard. Due to this, they believe they can just send out an IOU and have it treated like valid currency.

    • @jj4211@lemmy.world
      115 months ago

      Not only that, but if they don’t get their way, they think maybe using the court system of the government they don’t think applies to them is an option. Seems either you would be sovereign and outside the jurisdiction and therefore the courts can’t help you, or the courts can help you and all the sovereign nonsense is wrong. So they try to have it the best of both ways, all the privilege, none of the accountability.

  • @Buddahriffic@lemmy.world
    185 months ago

    I will grant one thing: the whole “the card agreement says that using the card counts as accepting the agreement” is circular logic like “the Bible is true because it says it’s true”. There should be an obligation to get that agreement before any card is issued. Using a card shouldn’t cancel out any requirement of informed consent. These people clearly don’t have a good understanding about how any of this works, even if they are trying to abuse these things in the way they understand them.

    Like there were aspects of my credit cards, that I was using in good faith, that I didn’t really understand until years after I’d been using them.

    • GreatAlbatross
      235 months ago

      I’m not sure if it’s different in the states, but in the UK it’s definitely like that.
      You sign the agreement, the card is dispatched.
      The card arrives with more literature, and it is made very clear that by using the card you accept the terms.
      If you decide that you don’t like the terms, you can return it un-used, or even I believe within 14 days you can cancel everything and just pay off any money you’ve spent with it.

        • @Halosheep@lemm.ee
          55 months ago

          There’s often things that beneficial to the user in those terms too. Buyer protections, terms with specific vendor types, etc.

          • Blooper
            25 months ago

            Correct. As well as literature and mandatory language detailing how to report fraud, or complain to a specific governing agency if you believe the card issuer is treating you unfairly or not complying with applicable laws. In the US, that would likely be the CFPB (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau).

    • @scoobford@lemmy.zip
      85 months ago

      You do get a copy of the card agreement before a card is issued. Banks are pretty tightly regulated in this area.

      Note that is not always the case, which is why car makers can surveil you simply for riding in the car. Being in the car constitutes acceptance.

    • Cethin
      35 months ago

      It is not circular logic. It’s closer to “you’ve agreed to the terms of the Bible because you used the Bible for your benefit.” Still not quite the same as the credit card agreement, but closer. Clearly not circular.

  • @phoenixz@lemmy.ca
    175 months ago

    This is what happened with the internet came to all. Yea, we have more information at our fingertips than ever, but we also have more retards at our fingertips than ever before. More clown car types who believe they are right if they yell loudly enough.

    In the past we all had one of those crazies in our friends group and we kind of kept them sort of grounded, now the clowns are running the mad house

    • @BonesOfTheMoon@lemmy.worldOPM
      45 months ago

      Yes, and Mark Zuckerberg should be hung by his thumbs for creating this nightmare. All he had to do was have mods for fake content. He’s Satan.

  • @voracitude@lemmy.world
    165 months ago

    Perhaps unsurprisingly, this sovcit is so bad at MS Paint they doxxed themselves with their original post. I’d say you won’t believe their political affiliation, but you would.

    OP, it might be an idea to remove this. I’m sure there’s an argument to be made for letting them bring down hell upon their own heads by being idiots, but nobody actually deserves the internet knowing who they are and where they live. Or at least, this person certainly doesn’t. They’ve got enough problems, like a mountain of credit card debt.